La Contessa de San Antonio, high quality replica from Dafen village , Chinese modern artwork

Modern art , contemporary art , High quality work painting  by our talented artist , custom picture/ size is available , let's your style ~~
Description Brand Introduction

High quality art work, replica,100% hand painted by our talented artist 

Custom size/ style is available 

Leadtime :  14 to 20 days 

No risk : send pictures for quality approval before delivery and then send it rolled 

Covert your favourite photo to an painting , let's your style ~

Brand Introduction
     Top Gallery co., Ltd founded in Dafen village , Shenzhen since 2007.We have our own studio and hired more than 50 most talented artists who can create all kinds of oil paintings to your satisfaction . Our professional specialty based with the style you want . Our painting works have been sold overseas and enjoyed favorable feedback and effection among overseas buyers . Those regular customers are the best proof to the quality of our works .We are always committed ourselves to quality , service and reputation .

